Thank you for consenting to receive Melrose promotions and alerts by text. By agreeing to these terms, you agree to receive messages from Melrose regarding information, updates, or alerts about Melrose store promotions, M-style Rewards and Layaway balance notifications. Text messages may be sent periodically. Message & Data Rates May Apply. You do not have to consent to receiving these text messages from us in order to obtain any goods or services from us. Recurring messages. User will receive SMS MT if the device does not support MMS. For help in the US, text HELP to the short code 80272. You may also email Melrose@Melrosestore.com or call 877-389-7431. You may stop mobile subscription at any time by sending text message STOP to the short code 80272 in the US. Mobile carriers are not liable for delayed or undelivered messages. Your phone must have text messaging capability.
If you believe that your contact information was collected without your consent and would like to report spam, please call 877-389-7431. When reporting any offending party, please include the contact address or number that sent you the spam, the username of the sender, and the message or first few sentences of the message that you believe is spam. Melrose has a zero-tolerance spam policy.
Text messaging originator opt-in data and consent will not be shared with any third parties. This includes affiliate or business partners. No mobile information will be shared with third parties/affiliates for marketing/promotional purposes. Opt-in is not transferable to any other party.